Canvas Rebel | Press

Canvas Rebel

Read Katie’s conversation with Canvas Rebel here

Read an excerpt here…

How do you keep in touch with clients and foster brand loyalty?

I have a lot of return clientele, which is extremely humbling, especially when I consider the level of trust required to let me permanently alter their appearances. Unlike other art forms, my canvas is alive and also in pain so I am aware of the roll that I play when it comes to making them feel as comfortable as possible, Tattooing is a team effort in this regard so it makes sense if we can come out of the experience with a feeling of closeness within a relationship that is still professional. I always try to understand my client’s tattoo journey and guide them accordingly. I encourage them to think big picture, as in, if they will continue to get tattooed, we should have a game plan so that their art is cohesive and they are happy with their skin in the long run.

Read the rest of the conversation here…


Voyage Austin | Press


365Art+ Magazine | Press